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WHAT CAN I LOOK FORWARD TO?                                                        

  • 4 x Live Gatherings: 23 November - 04 January 2025: The impact of Vagal Tone on Immunity and Inflammation 

  • 4 x Live Gatherings: 18 January 2025 - 01 March 2025: The Impact of Vagal Tone on the Brain Inflammation - Stress Connection

  • 3 x Live Gatherings: 15 March 2025 - 12 April 2025: The importance of building Stress Resiliency to maintain Vagal Tone and optimize your health                                                     

  • 2 x Live Gatherings: 26 April 2025 - 10 May 2025: How to Heal & Stabilize Your Vagal Tone         

  • 2 x Live Gatherings: 24 May 2025 - 07 June 2025: Vagus Nerve Masterclass Q&A (Recording with Dr Peter Kan)

(These Live Gatherings will be added below at the end of November 2024)

Mary-Lou looks forward to sharing her passion for healing with you ♡

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Live Gathering # 1
Date & Time: Saturday 14th September 2024 @ 17h00 GMT (90 minutes)
Duration (minutes): Video screening (40) + Interactive time (50)
Video series: Vagus Masterclass

Video Title: Mastery Session 1: The BIG Deal With Vagus Nerve
Speaker: Dr. Peter Kan
Today's Health Category: Overview of how your Vagus Nerve affects your WHOLE body & brain function.

Introduction: Let’s start harnessing the power of your vagus nerve to boost immunity, heal your gut, boost and elevate your mood and brain health!
In today’s Mastery Session and interview, Dr Peter Kan starts with the brain-immune-gut axis connection to the vagus nerve and why it’s crucial to master your vagus nerve function and identify it as a root cause of almost all health difficulties. Also covered in future Live Gathering videos in this masterclass, are circadian rhythm, mitochondria, and resilience as they relate to vagus nerve function.

What you will learn in THIS live Gathering:

  1. Why the vagus nerve IS such a BIG Deal.

  2. Why it has been ignored by conventional medicine.

  3. What natural 'alternative' medicine got wrong about the vagus nerve.

  4. How your autonomic nervous system influences virtually EVERY aspect of your health - from your brain (including mood, motivation, goals and 'drive') to your toes


Life Principle #1
- I agree to be present to my best degree possible and for that to be good enough for today. I agree to show up, be fully present, mentally and emotionally, not just physically, to my best degree possible, for myself and others, and for that to be good enough for today. I acknowledge that this helps me to embrace Change.

Nervous System Regulation Somatic Exercise/s:

FURTHER PRACTICAL SUPPORT: Stress Relief and Trauma Release – Natural DIY Way to Reduce Stress by Dr King (Dr King’s Frontal Eminence Hand to Forehead support) (10-minute video clip)
SAFETY: Curiosity: Notice what you notice, Awareness: Vagus Voice & Breath tracking + Regulated Parasympathetic Breathing (Slower out-breath), Breath Awareness & Drop - Lower and slower; Vagus Smile; The Misunderstood YAWN: Deep Spontaneous Breath (Sigh/Yawn etc)

SUPPORT: Golden Window to complete stress cycle: Startle (5"seconds) => acute stress (adrenaline (+ dopamine) peaks in 15 minutes (Needs MOVEMENT)  => chronic stress (cortisol in 20 minutes)  => Freeze (Overwhelm) Needs TIME!

Live Gathering # 2

Date & Time: Saturday 28th September 2024 @ 17h00 GMT (90 minutes)

Duration (minutes): Video screening (48) + Interactive time (42)

Video series: Vagus Masterclass

Video Title: Mastery Session 2a: Vagus Nerve in GI Health and Dysfunction

Speaker: Dr. Peter Kan

Today's Health Category: How your Vagus Nerve impacts your DIGESTION​​

Introduction: Leaky gut and digestion are popular topics in search engines. Vagus nerve has a direct and powerful influence over both. Learn from functional medicine experts on how vagus nerve functions control digestion, and how many GI problems are persistent due to lack of attention to restoring vagus nerve function.


What you will learn in THIS live Gathering:

  1. How your vagus nerve is the Master controller of your digestion.

  2. Key neurological (brain) differentiators of GI symptoms

  3. Your vagus nerve and your gut microbiome (bacteria)

  4. How to 'digest' all this information



Life Principle #2 - I agree to not hold myself to the standard of perfectionism. I simply start with what I can right now. There will be times that I feel like I do not understand, or like I don’t know where to start, and so I simply start with what I can right now.


Nervous System Regulation Somatic Exercise/s:

FURTHER PRACTICAL SUPPORT: Dr. King’s Hands-On Technique: Releasing the Ileocecal Valve in Spasm (4-minute video clip)

SAFETY: Marking Territory

SUPPORT: Tracking your body

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Live Gathering # 3

Date & Time: Saturday 12th October 2024 @ 17h00 GMT (90 minutes)

Duration (minutes): Video screening (35) + Interactive time (55)

Video series: Vagus Masterclass

Video Title: Mastery Session 2b: Vagus Nerve in GI Health and Dysfunction

Speaker: Dr. Peter Kan

Today's Health Category: How your Vagus Nerve impacts your DIGESTION​​


Introduction: Leaky gut and digestion are popular topics in search engines. Vagus nerve has a direct and powerful influence over both. Learn from functional medicine experts on how vagus nerve functions control digestion, and how many GI problems are persistent due to lack of attention to restoring vagus nerve function.​



Life Principle #3 - I agree to personal responsibility in this session, and all my communication with others. I am responsible for the energy that I bring to this session, and for my reactions. I agree to be mindful of the time allocated for the session, or the time constraints of those I interact with in my daily life. There is no space here for blaming others for my experience/s, my problems, my moods, or my reactions. That means there is also no space here for saving others from their experiences, their problems, their moods, or their reactions.


What you will learn in THIS live Gathering:

  1. How your vagus nerve is the Master controller of your digestion.

  2. Key neurological (brain) differentiators of GI symptoms

  3. Your vagus nerve and your gut microbiome (bacteria)

  4. How to 'digest' all this information


Nervous System Regulation Somatic Exercise/s:

FURTHER PRACTICAL SUPPORT: Pancreas & Digestion support - Increasing Enzymes: Dr. King’s Sphincter of Oddi Technique (3-minute video clip)

SAFETY: Vagus Grounding

SUPPORT: Supporting your Tummy area


PAYA (Pay As You Attend)  Live Community Gatherings


Live Gathering # 4

Date& Time: Saturday 26th October 2024 @ 17h00 GMT (90 minutes)

Duration (minutes): Video screening (56) + Interactive time (34)

Video series: Vagus Masterclass

Video Titles X 2: 'The Vagus Nerve & Digestion' and 'Mold Toxicity and Vagal Nerve Dysfunction'

Speaker: Dr. David Jockers & Dr. Jaban Moore

Today's Health Category: How your Vagus Nerve impacts your DIGESTION​

Introduction: Leaky gut and digestion are popular topics in search engines. Vagus nerve has a direct and powerful influence over both. Learn from functional medicine experts on how vagus nerve functions control digestion, and how many GI problems are persistent due to lack of attention to restoring vagus nerve function.



Life Principle #4 - I agree to keep this a safe space for everyone. That means that here, in this space, I do not share my ‘stories’ of the past. Instead, I am going to share my present moment experience, and what I am noticing in my body as I do the exercises.


What you will learn in THIS live Gathering:

Dr David Jockers (30 minutes):

  1. The Vagus Nerve & Digestion

  2. Brain-gut cross-talk

  3. Digestive secretions and vagus

  4. Practical tips for vagus nerve health

Dr Jaban Moore (26 minutes):

  1. Mold Toxicity and Vagal Nerve Dysfunction

  2. Why mold toxicity is common

  3. Mycotoxin and vagus nerve

  4. Mycotoxin detox strategies


Nervous System Regulation Somatic Exercise/s:

FURTHER SUPPORT: Dr King's Shrink Your Stomach Technique (3-minute video clip)

SAFETY: Orienting (5 senses: eyes, ears, nose)

SUPPORT: Discharging pent-up unsettled energy & Settling the vagus nerve (Eye Support)

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Live Gathering # 5

Date & Time: Saturday 09th November 2024 @ 17h00 GMT (90 minutes)

Duration (minutes): Video screening (37) + Interactive time (53)

Video series: Vagus Masterclass

Video Titles: 'Circadian Rhythm and Vagus Nerve Connection'

Speaker: Jason Prall

Today's Health Category: Sleep and other Circadian Rhythms​

Introduction: Routines and 'Cycles' are far more important for healing than most people realise, and, Body functions & your VAGUS NERVE (Vagal Tone) are dependent on and are, or are not, triggered by these critical 'Cycles' (aka circadian rhythms) that we should live by (e.g. day/night cycles), as they affect inflammation, mood, stress capacity, heart & immune function, digestion, hormones, brain function, memory, sleep quality etc! 
You GET the picture!!



Life Principle #5 - I agree to take direction, both during and outside of the session, from Mary-Lou, who is here to help guide and lovingly redirect me in that or other relevant moments, e.g. if I sometimes tell my ‘stories’, without realising it, if anything goes off course, to keep it within those safe boundaries so that we can keep this a safe space for both of us, especially you. I agree that Mary-Lou will do her best to create and hold space for what ONLY YOU CAN do. I agree that I will pace myself, remaining mindful of my capacity at all times, and the difference between what is ‘uncomfortable’ versus what is ‘unmanageable’. I will stay near what is uncomfortable, with a view to titrating (drip feeding) myself closer to bringing ‘unmanageable’ closer to ‘uncomfortable’, and then to comfortable/achievable.


What you will learn in THIS live Gathering:

  1. Circadian Rhythm and Vagus Nerve Connection

  2. Circadian rhythm's nervous system impact

  3. Biggest factors impacting circadian rhythm

  4. Resetting the circadian rhythm


Nervous System Regulation Somatic Exercise/s:

FURTHER SUPPORT: Dr Michael Breus' ChronoQuiz: Please do this quick quiz BEFORE the session, to determine YOUR optimal circadian rhythms for the Interactive session ( Sleep Calculator (courtesy The Sleep Doctor:

SAFETY: Orienting (5 senses: Skin and touch)

SUPPORT: Discharging pent-up unsettled energy & Settling the vagus nerve (Voo+Creating Space)

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