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PAYA (Pay As You Attend)  Live Community Gatherings

Below are the fees and the format which the PAYA gatherings will follow. Each of your PAYA Live Community Gatherings will look something like the following (and will evolve according to the community's feedback).

Learn & Connect Community Gatherings Fees & Format

Launch Offer! Use code PAYA95 at checkout and claim 95% off your first session!


You are welcome to book all five upcoming Gatherings at the Discounted Launch Price and beat possible price increases. 

PAYA (Pay As You Attend) Live Community Gatherings:


Live Attendance has additional benefits, as you pay per Zoom name in the room, so you can invite friends and family to watch on your device while you attend!


(If you would love to explore becoming Mary-Lou's new client book a 20-minute complimentary chat with Mary-Lou to discuss how she can help support your Best Desired Outcomes for your health)






Each of your PAYA Live Community Gatherings will look something like the following (and will evolve according to the community's feedback)


Community Video Watch Party: first 45-60 minutes of each PAYA Live Gathering. 

These are videos /podcasts /interviews and sometimes even films, that have relevance to, and provide information for supporting Self-empowerment in both Body and Brain Healing Potential, and Nervous System Self-regulation - for building emotional, mental, spiritual and physiological resilience.


  • I watch the videos beforehand so that when we spend time together in the live Community Gathering, I can better support the questions that arise as you absorb the information.


Brainstorm and Q&A;

The next 20 minutes or so will be dedicated to the following areas:

  1. Brainstorming about what we have just learned, with an opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings around the information.

  2. A Q&A section, where you have the opportunity to ask me any questions centered around the content in the video, to support yourself and your families.



The next 10 -15 minutes will be dedicated to one or two of the following areas, at each PAYA Live Community Gathering


  1. Building your Nervous System Somatic Tool Kit to systematically bring nervous system regulation for the 'Fight or Flight' and the Freeze (Overwhelm) response* 

  2. Building your Vagal Tone  Somatic Tool Kit, to improve the ability of your vagus nerve to better communicate with your body systems and organs, including mood and mental processes, in order to bring support to your physical and emotional well-being*

  3. Building your Brain Repair Somatic Tool Kit to systematically support regulating and reducing Brain Inflammation from all causes (including stress)*

  4. Progressive Parts Work, to start identifying, connecting with, understanding, and subsequently settling your Emotions, Behaviours and Choices (Your 'Parts')*


* There will be further opportunities to attend live PAYA Community Gatherings, where we dive deeper into each of the above four areas. This will be created organically as we experience the needs and feedback of the attendees at the PAYA Live Community Gatherings.


Once you purchase your PAYA Live Community Gathering, you will be sent a confirmation of attendance with that Gathering’s dedicated Zoom link.


I SO look forward to seeing you and sharing this lifelong passion with you ♡

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